WordPress is a content organization phenom
Ah, WordPress, the beloved platform that has captured the hearts and minds of bloggers worldwide! And let me tell you, my friend, when it comes to organizing your blog content, WordPress doesn’t disappoint. It’s like a master librarian with a hipster twist, ensuring your readers can navigate through your posts with ease and style. Picture…
Don’t put all your content in the blog
Alright folks, buckle up while we dive into web page or blog content placement decisions. We’re here to crack the code and figure out whether your masterpiece deserves the spotlight of a blog post or the stability of a regular web page. Let’s dive in, shall we? So there you have it. Armed with these…
WordPress vs. HubSpot – Blog Content Organization
Using categories to organize your blog content goes without saying. It allows your site visitors to quickly find content. Here’s where WordPress has an advantage over HubSpot. HubSpot allows you to organize your content by topic, but that’s it. It’s very flat. So, if you want to organize your content in other ways, you’ve got…
Blog post design considerations
When making decisions about your blog post page design, it’s not all about the bells and whistles. It’s about creating the best experience for your target audiences in various stages of the buyer’s journey. Who visits your site, and why? What are they trying to accomplish: to gather information, do research, make a purchase, to…
Blog listing page block styles
The blog listing template is a basic component of any website theme, regardless of whether your website is build on HubSpot, WordPress or some other content management system. Adding different design elements can make your blog listing template more compelling and useful for your viewers. Here are some things you can do: Contact us and…